Linax warranty.

Linax Product description.

About Linax

The products that have undergone Linax treatment consist of pine that is impregnated with a copper-based agent according to NTR AB (UC 3) and then boiled in hot linseed oil under vacuum. This gives a dried wooden product that is colored on all 6 sides. The oil penetrates 2-3mm into the surfaces and into end wood up to 20mm. Color pigments can be added to the oil. The pigments are then boiled in together with the oil and give pigmentation on all sides. The wood is also very dimensionally stable, which means less risk of cracking than for untreated and impregnated wood. Linax has very good test results when it comes to repelling moisture. During assembly, it’s important to treat any cut ends or edges with Linax linseed oil glaze.


The product is available in brown (Linax Brown) and gray (Linax Grey). The treatment is transparent, which allows the natural structure of the wood to shine through. Linax has a beautiful color variation that brings life to the surface, which is different to the look you get with a painted color. Cosmetic variations may occur as heartwood, sapwood, and knots absorb color differently.

The color pigments are in the oil and are boiled in during the Linax process (Royal process) on all sides of the wood. Alternatively, the product can be delivered in a natural oil (Linax Natur) which is without color pigments. This product is light golden brown when freshly produced. Over time, this product will weather to a gray color. The timber is laid on stickers during production, which may result in sticker marks on the product. There might be some excess oil on the product upon delivery; this will be wiped off during assembly.

Maintenance requirements

All wood requires maintenance, so does Linax. Over time, the oil in the outermost layer is worn/washed away by precipitation. As with other painted wood, the color pigments will fade. The color must therefore be regularly touched up with the corresponding Linax linseed oil glaze with which the product was originally treated.

For decking, balcony floors and outdoor funitures, oiling is required every 5 years and for cladding products every 12 year. All other Linax products every 8th year. The product to be used for the maintenance is Linseed oil glaze Linax Natural, Linax Brown or Linax Grey. The oil can be applied by roller or brush. Too much oil can cause growth on the wood and give a sticky surface.

Attacks of growth can also occur if the wood has not been sufficiently dry or cleaned before the oil is applied. Fouling does not damage the wood and is relatively easy to remove, but has a tendency to come back.

Linax Natural will take on a weathered gray tone, and the oil in the outermost layer will gradually wear away. Maintenance should be done with Linax linseed oil glaze Natural. If you want to pigment the surface of Linax Natural, you can mix an oil with equal parts of Linax linseed oil glaze Natural and Linax linseed oil glaze Brown, which you then apply to the wood.

It is important that the wood is cleaned and dry (max. 20% moisture content) before it is post-treated with oil.

When washing, high-pressure washing should not be used as it can cause the wood to splinter and remove the oil from the top layer. Washing should be done with lukewarm water and then rinsed off with a garden hose using normal pressure. Strong grease-dissolving agents must not be used; instead, a gentle house-cleaning detergent should be used for washing. Detergents containing bleach should also not be used.

Some resin bleeding can occur on mounted Linax wood, especially around knots. Over time, the resin will gradually wear away due to weather exposure.

Particularly exposed areas include walls facing south and west, as well as a sunny location deck. Resin exudation is not abnormal. It diminishes over time and should not be considered as grounds for a warranty claim.

Pine contains varying amounts of resin, which traditionally is beneficial as resin has a preservative effect on wood.

To qualify for Linax’s Extended Product Warranty, Linax should not be overpainted. Should the Customer decide to waive the warranty by overpainting Linax, an oil-based paint should be used and further maintenance should then continue to be done with the oil-based paint.

Important to know is that through such overpainting, the Customer is considered to have waived Linax’s Extended Product Warranty.

The product should always be cleaned before applying Linax Natural, Linax Brown or Linax Grey. Any growth/discoloration should always be washed off before applying the oil.

Maintenance products
  • – Linax linseed oil glaze must be stored frost-free
  • – Stir the oil well before use
  • – The working temperature for Linax oiling should be a daily minimum temperature of 15 degrees Celsius. Work in direct sunlight should be avoided

Important information: All used cloths, etc. must be burned or placed in water to prevent spontaneous combustion.


Linax shall be stored outdoors, in a dry and well-ventilated area, well elevated above the ground on bearers. The wood shall be protected from dirt and moisture, under a roof. It must not be completely covered with plastic.


Linax does not need to be sorted as hazardous waste but can be sent as combustible waste to an approved environmental station.

Conventional pressure-treated wood experiences a certain leaching of copper over time. The Linax treatment minimizes the leaching of copper from the product, making Linax an excellent environmental choice. Linax is assessed in SundaHus and Byggvarubedömningen.

The raw material for Linax is available as certified high-quality material. This combined with the product’s long technical lifespan, contributes to a strong environmental profile throughout.e raw material for Linax is available as certified high-quality material. This combined with the product’s long technical lifespan, contributes to a strong environmental profile throughout.

Linax Product Warranty.

Read more about our warranty here.

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