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Linax oils.
All wood requires maintenance and so does Bitus Linax. However, the quality of Linax treated wood is much higher and requires significantly less maintenance than untreated and high pressure treated wood. Over time, the oil in the outermost layer is worn away and washed away by precipitation. As with other painted wood, the color pigments will fade.
Recommendations for your terrace.
For decking, oiling and maintenance is usually required evey 1-2 years, for Linax-treated decking, maintenance is required after 5-6 years. It is important that the wood is cleaned and dry (maximum 20% moisture content) before it is finished with Linax oil. Linax decking should be washed and cleaned prior to the application of Linax oil. Bitus recomend using warm water and to rinse with a water hose with normal pressure. Strong degreasers should be avoided, however mild household detergents can be used that do not contain bleach. The decking should be left to dry before applying the Linax oil with a roller or brush. Be careful not to add to much oil as it can cause growth on the wood. Linax decking should always be washed, cleaned and any build up removed prior to the application of Linax oil.
Some resin bleeding may occur.
Some resin bleeding can occur once Linax wood has been installed, esspecially aorund knots. This is more common on dark colours, such as Linax Brown. Over time the marks from the resin will be worn away by weathering and wind. You cn speed up this process yourself by bryshing off the resin with a stiff brish, but our recommendation is to let nature do the work. Linax cladding to the south and west and decking in a sunny location are especially vulnerable.
Core shedding is common. It disappears over time and is not grounds for a complaint. Pine contains varying amounts of resin, which is tradfitioanlly food because the resin has a preservative effect on wood.
Cut surfaces during installation.
Cut surafces of Linax during installation must always be end sealed with linax oil to protect the wood and for the rot protection warranty to apply. Linax oil is available in Linax Natural, Linax Brown & Linax Grey.

Good to know.
Linax oils must be stored in a frost-free location and it is important to stir the tin of oil well before use.
Planed surface 6-8 m2/litre
Sawn surface 4-6 m2/litre
The working temperature when oiling Linax should be a 24- hour temperature of at least 15°C. One should avoind oiling in direct sunlight when possible. The oil has a drying time of about 24 hours at 20°C and good ventilation. It is important that all used rags and clothes used buring the oil application must be placed in water to avoid self-ignition. Bitus is not responsible for mould or growth casued by the external envirnment.
Linax is available in Linax Natrual, Brown and Grey.
Linax Natural, is treated without pigment and will fade to a silvey tone after time. Equal part of Linax Natrual and Linax Brown oil can be mixed and applied during maintenance to keep some of the natural colour.
Linax Brown, has strong colour retention and will remain stable over time. The Brown will hold its colour for 12 years or longer.
Linax Grey, has strong colour retention and will remain stable over time. The Grey hold its colour for 12 years or longer.

Linax warranty.
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